This blog gave the details leading up to the January 2007 "Rocky Mountain Christian Singles Mixer" in Colorado Springs. We may do another one, so stay tuned. In the meantime, we occasionally post information, rants, questions and answers, experiences and other musings, so keep reading!

Monday, January 29, 2007

We've only just begun...

Well, the Rocky Mountain Christian Singles Mixer has come and gone. Sad, but true. Did everyone have a relatively painless experience? We hope so! Now that we've slept for more than two hours straight, the committee members would like to thank you all for a few things:

1) registering
2) actually showing up for the event
3) arriving sober
4) having an open mind and a willingness to give this whole thing a fair shake
5) participating with some overall ROCKIN' and hilarious responses during the speed dating portion
6) staying for the mixer
7) talking to people at the mixer
8) not destroying the chocolate fountain
9) not hitting on the married women/men
10) following up with people (we see that some of you are doing this already!)

We've only just begun. You need to start talking to us. Really, we want your feedback, so start commenting here! Boundless already blogged about the mixer this morning, and we'll continue to post right here countless ideas, stories, tips, you name it. Also be on the lookout for an evaluation to fill out with your impressions of the evening.

So who has the first story to tell? Is anyone married yet?!? Hehehe.

May the fun begin!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just wanted to take a moment and say how well organized, thought out and professionally put together everything seemed to be. I was impressed to say the least! I, like many, was quite nervous, but the format that was used put me at ease very quick. The hardest part was actually showing up!

I especially like the part of 3 to 4 guys moving around the place together while the women sat. It was great getting to know the guys and definitely made things a little less nerve racking. Jared and Patrick (If/when you are in town), if you ever want to hang out, bike or hike, let me know. Furthermore, having the married couples facilitate each table was definitely a plus and the ones you chose were great.

I’ll admit I didn’t stay for the “mixer” part at the end, for other reasons, but think that knowing the guys that moved from table to table together would have been quite beneficial in feeling comfortable trying to communicate with the other singles etc… This is coming from a strong Introvert by the way…

Anyway, kudos to the women who put this on. Obviously a lot of planning and thoughtfulness went into it and if I’m single and another event roles around, you’ll probably catch me participating again…

In Him, John,

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, you all did a wonderful job. Once you actually got over the panicky, what-did-i-get-myself-in-to feeling beforehand, you were able to relax more and enjoy the evening. I'm fairly outgoing, so I was surprised to find that the introvert part of me was completely exhausted by about the 5th round of speed dating! There were so many people to meet, and so little time to process. I might have been able to keep better track if I took notes, but by the end of the night, I had a lot of people confused with each other! Oh well, it was great fun. And guys, I really want to commend you for taking the initiative to going to an event like this -- especially you fellow introverts! You did great.

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny that you mention number 9. At least twice I sat down and was disapointed to find that a girl was in fact a mediator. I suppose their is a special glow to a married woman. Not that there weren't a lot of other lovely ladies there. And, don't worry, I'm not going to get a courtly love scene going. Mainly because we don't have their emails.

Seriously, I did have a very good time. I found the event was very well planned and excecuted. I was surprised at how exhausting it was to honestly evaluate each person without slipping into the mindsed of triaging people. I would say that anyone who participated can now be free of the name 'introvert.'

I too found the men moving around and the women staying put appropriate, similar to the "x" an "->" aspects of the m/f symbols.

The only thing I would change would be listing the people in order of table number so you could follow along as you went.

In a world wracked with immorality, as is ours, we need the security of marriage. As opposed to the persecuted world which calls for celibacy, according to Paul anyway. So, keep pressing forward, follow up on people and find the joy of marriage.

In Christ,
Nicholas Turner

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I attended the mixer with a bit of trepidation but I was impressed with the quality of the event and its smooth execution. The moderators at my table, Dr. and Mrs. Aquila, did a wonderful job of keeping the atmosphere at our table light and humorous. I agree with Mon that after about five tables, I had a hard time keeping people straight (and my face actually hurt from smiling!). And while notetaking was a good suggestion, I think I would have been a little nervous had I seen someone actually doing it.

All this to say, kudos to the organizers of this event. I think you made it a great success.

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also enjoyed myself. I came prepared to take notes but in the rush of the event found I was unable to do so. I am afraid I got most of the women all jumbled up in my mind. Having the profile packet to take home was a great help to try and sort out at least some of who the women were. I am glad to know I was not the only one who had "mixed" (pun intended!!) feelings about the mixer.

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I enjoyed the event, I would do a couple things to tweak it for those of us who found ourselves a bit overwhelmed and confused:
1) More time during the break, or more frequent breaks for you to collect your thoughts
2) More time at the beginning to look over the packet before the speed dating portion
3) In addition to the standard question for that round, ask other questions like what do you do, where do you go to church, what do you like doing, etc. My table did that, but I understand a lot of other tables didn't
4) Include questions that can help you gauge other people's spiritual maturity and commitment (for example, finding out about their CD collection doesn't tell you much about them)
5) Provide info in the packet that we submitted on the application, like where we work or go to church

Perhaps these suggestions would help alleviate some of the confusion that ensued after the event! Thanks again.

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto to everything mon said. It was a great mixer, but those little improvements would have made it a lot more effective. I didn't make any real connections at the mixer but I'm still glad I went. Good work, guys!

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I thought the mixer was a total hit! I understand the feelings of being overwhelmed at the mixer section, but that is truly a reflection on me and my own insecurities. As for remembering people - we all had the opporunity to take notes and arrive earlier to get acquainted...or stay late to do the same.
I think the mixer was a great forum to meet other christians in a casual setting. I would encourage anyone who wants to determine someone's spiritual depth to date them. That is what dating is for.
Thanks to the organizers for all their time and sacrifice of zzzzzzs. Your time was well spent and greatly appreciated!

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Great comments! It was a great evening, wasn't it? The people who weren't able to go are sooo jealous of us and I am hearing some awesome stories from a couple of the attendees, which is what makes the whole evening worth it. I am looking forward to Mixer 2, Return of the Singles!

11:56 PM  
Blogger Mike Theemling said...

The mixer was a good time, but I'm skeptical that the success rates would be any higher than other venues, although it does seem that way given the sheer volume of prospects you are introduced to.

Here are the results of my attempts:

- I e-mailed (initiated) with 9 ladies post-mixer.
- 2 responded negatively, 6 did not respond at all
- 1 responded positively but we have yet to have our schedules match up
- Before the mixer, I had known and asked 2 ladies in that group beforehand and had been turned down by both

So out of initiating with 11 out of 25 ladies, 1 responded positively (now we just have to meet together).

I'd be curious to see other statisitics from other atendees.

5:54 PM  
Blogger Rocky Mountain Christian Singles Mixer said...


Quick correction to your comment. We had about 48 women at the event so you contacted 11 out of 48 women.

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find statistics to be an unfortunate invention which has done little but lend undue credence to the social sciences. Especially in this regard, when applied to finding a future mate. Perhaps those 10 women were wise in not wanting to become a statistic.

9:57 PM  
Blogger Mike Theemling said...


I've studied statistics and use it in my job so naturally I'm inclined to crunch numbers a lot and see the value in it.

The point of my post was twofold. One, is to see if this type of venue was any more successful than other venues (online dating, traditional dating, etc). If 10 people there get married within the next year, it's a good sign that the event was "successful" (considering the tagline of 'Mix, Mingle, Marry')

Second, it is to try and find out what causes a person to get first dates and what does not. I find it a bit suprising that taking the initiative and e-mailing 9 ladies would result in the reactions I've listed. I don't mind an honest rejection, but I do find the lack responses from 2/3 I've contacted of the ladies a tad disturbing.

Maybe I'm just unlucky and asked the "wrong" 9 ladies (well 1 did respond positively, we just have to meet). Maybe it's my appearance. Problem is I don't know so I don't know, and if I need to adjust any of my behavior. The RMCSM asked for feedback about the event. I'd like some feedback myself.

8:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well, I was naturally born with a sin nature and am inclined to any number of sins yet I don't really see the value in them.

The point of my post was onefold to make fun of modernity.

Fortunately, in the world my God created, 'success' is not limited to that which we can statistically quantify. And you seem to have forgotten about the "Mix and the Mingle" aspects.

I would hate to see the barage of test you subject your dates to. No doubt in an attempt to determine the statistical probability that they would be a suitable mate for you.

And then, God forbid, you may one day have a honeymoon of the type joked about by C.S. Lewis in the four loves. Where you "go to it with the complete works of Freud, Kraft-Ebbing, Havelock Ellis and Dr. Stopes spread out on bed-tables all round them." Later he says," We must not be totally serious about Venus. Indeed we can't be totally serious without doing violence to our humanity."

So, I say to you mike, leave your numbers behind, replace them with but a few verses of a poem, which can communicate so much more. The persuit of Eros is a game, enjoy it. Women are mysterious and surprising, if we could quantify them it wouldn't be any fun at all.

11:13 PM  

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