This blog gave the details leading up to the January 2007 "Rocky Mountain Christian Singles Mixer" in Colorado Springs. We may do another one, so stay tuned. In the meantime, we occasionally post information, rants, questions and answers, experiences and other musings, so keep reading!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Talk about a cheap date?!


Let's do a little math for a second.
For $25.00, you can get:
two movie passes for $15.50,
one large of salty, over-buttered and burnt popcorn $5.00,
one large watered-down soda with too much ice $4.00,
and 50 cents to loose in the bottom of the theater seat.

For one date...with one girl.

At the mixer, you will be able to spend a quality evening with 48 women...who want to meet and get to know you. What in the world could be better? Seriously.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, here is the way I see this mixer: you've got a group of men and women who are (hopefully) currently unattached and marriage-minded. This is good for the guys in that they won't have to hear "I'm dating Jesus right now" (which I hear is a common complaint among the guys) and they won't have to wonder if the ring on the girl's left hand is a Jesus ring or really a wedding ring. The girls don't have to worry if the guys are really engaged (why don't men have engagement rings?? It would be so much easier). It's all above board.
As for the gentleman who posted earlier, I don't think anyone's realistically going to know if they want to marry someone by meeting them once at a mixer -- or by going on first date for that matter. How can anyone really know enough about another person unless you're able to spend a lot of time together? The whole point of the mixer is to create the opportunity to meet people, and then as you get to know them better, you can gauge their spiritual maturity, etc. I think many Christian singles are hoping that they'll "just know" about a person before they enter a relationship. Of course you need to be prayerful, but anything worthwhile involves some kind of risk. So...all that to say is, I applaud everyone who is stepping out of their comfort zone and taking a little bit of a risk here. Even if you don't meet "the one," you'll probably make some good friends and learn more about yourself.

4:01 PM  

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