This blog gave the details leading up to the January 2007 "Rocky Mountain Christian Singles Mixer" in Colorado Springs. We may do another one, so stay tuned. In the meantime, we occasionally post information, rants, questions and answers, experiences and other musings, so keep reading!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Looking Pride in the Face

I admit it. This type of event freaks me out. Has it really come to this? A Christian dating mixer? C'mon. Until I started to realize the feeling behind the feeling.

Was my hesitancy because of the event itself or was it deeper?

My conclusion? It was all about pride. My struggle was really with myself and my assumptions about how I should meet "the one" and how it should happen. It was supposed to be more organic, with a killer soundtrack in the background and a story that could be shared with the grandkids.

But I looked at this mixer and I got excited. It's truly all about allowing me an opportunity to interact with some incredible people. A chance to see that God's people are as unique and fabulous as His creativity and these people are open and humble enough to want the same thing. Connection and relationship.

Pride? Now I am feeling more honored than anything else. And really, whether I meet "the one", "the possibilities", or just a bunch of great new friends, it'll be time well spent.



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