This blog gave the details leading up to the January 2007 "Rocky Mountain Christian Singles Mixer" in Colorado Springs. We may do another one, so stay tuned. In the meantime, we occasionally post information, rants, questions and answers, experiences and other musings, so keep reading!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Guys, do NOT try this...

Because I currently have a profile up on a couple of Christian dating sites, I'm entrenched in the online madness as much as the next person. (Not that I need to be online...I mean...I could date anyone I wanted, right?...I'm just doing it to support my friends in their search, etc. etc.) So anyway, I check my email this morning and have the following message from a guy in California:

"Hello, will you marry me and start a family with me?"

Um, ok...

While I appreciate intentionality as much as the next girl, this is just whack. Guys, please don't try this line on a girl...certainly not in your first conversation. (Second, maybe.) In fact, don't really "try" any lines unless you're Shakespeare, Keats or Ewan McGregor. Just be yourself. If you're normal, it'll show. If you're exceptional, even better.

I'll be at the mixer. Guys, I want to meet you. I need to meet you, as evidenced by my current online options (Exhibit A, above). Sign up today. I, um, thank you in advance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair without making an excuse for us, I think most guys don't have enough opportunities to practice building close friendships with women. There are good reasons for that, temptation being one of them, but I think that building those friendships in a group setting would greatly reduce the risk and multiply the reward as people get feedback from each other on their social interactions.

What does it mean for a man to initiate in a gentle and respectful way? How does he develop the confidence and bravery to do so? As long as male-female relationships are categorized as being either DATING or TABOO, I don't see an easy way to answer those questions.

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very interesting - a subject that I have had with my peeps that have worked for me. The guys thought it was very important that they embellish what they thought they knew. Then they would come to work and complain.
So I would take them under my wing and explain what is necessary. Old Duke, a young guy who thought he had to impress the ladies with more business than a stock yard clean up. My goodness.
Guys, cut the stuff and be real.

3:15 PM  

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